Rising of New Media

Starting with Usenet, the internet discussion system which make people communicate by posting messages and reading them, the new media conception seen on media world first in 1979. This program was actually the mixed type of web forums and e-mails, which is now accepted as the precursor to internet forums.  Earlier than that, in 1950’s the primitive forms of blog systems were appeared on computer systems which is known as Open Diary. These two programs were at the very core of the new emerging media systems. Then we see more modern and complicated websites on internet world, such as Myspace in 2003 and global phenomenon Facebook in 2004. All these years, booming of social media has done so many impacts at almost all parts of the universe, especially in the developing countries. Some revolutions, social movements, upheavals and so on come after intensive using of these technologies by vast majority of societies. We will talk about it with more details.

            When one look for categorizing the social media programs, then it is really useful to take a look below.

1) Common Projects ( Wikipedia, Internet Forums, E-mails)
2) Blogs (Blogger.com etc.)
3) Microblog sites ( Twitter etc.)
4) Content Groups ( Youtube etc.)
5) Social Networks ( Facebook etc.)
            First, common projects, such as Wikipedia can be imagined by its title; people upload their contributions to the site by posting their documents, columns etc. for the service of other persons. The example that given above, Wikipedia, is probably the most succesful project so far. In Turkey, eksisozluk.com is very vowel common project which is usually auditing or slamming by court decisions or government bodies.

            Secondary, blogs are very common in today’s internet world which are turned into a primarily source for information gathering by the first hand. Some leading informations about Blogs world can be seen below.

Arrival Time: 03/04/2014, 16.30

            As the third one microblog websites, we definitely encounter to Twitter in this area, the secondary most popular social media website just after Facebook. It provides sending 140 character messages –called tweets to users which is at first glance deemed as a stressful type. But after some tweeting, many users get use to it and realize that restrained to 140 character of a tweet can pave a different way in terms of being clarified to those who follows the user. Twitter now has a critical role especially in halting democrasies, many incidents has showed its power when social movements, democratic transformations, revolts against tyrannys or oppressive regimes occured. During the Gezi Park protests last June, Twitter was the main tool in order to communicate protestors each other and spread the protests through all over  the country. Other Twitter based protests were Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Colour Revolution and Ukranien Upheavals.

Lastly, social Networks are very popular on web world, particularly Facebook is dominated the market. The young founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg was designed this website in order to make fair in love with his college friends, but later on things have not happened in that way. Facebook rapidly reached a global attainment; while the lucrative founder make incredible amount of dolars from popularity of his website, many users log onto this website for the aim of democratic demands, proclaim correctness of disarrays wherever they happened in the world etc. Even this success story were carried into the movie screen by the prominent director David Fincher and film has grossed $224,920,315 worldwide.

Well then, why social media is so important such that? Because it has some impacts on people! We have already mentioned what they are above. But what are the negative impacts of social media? Let’s say wikipedia! Wikipedia is very appropriate to spread misconceptions, do speculations by using internet so effective. In addition to Wikipedia, the retweet button of the tweets on Twitter causes violating untruth things to millions of people just in few minutes.

Let’s take a look at a case which gives us an idea that the impacts of leaked tapes which were spreading mainly by using Twitter and Youtube during the election campaign of Turkish ruling party as known AKP. Probably this election process would have been a good laboratorium for considering the power of social media across the country.
Last week, Turkish people casted their votes under the shadow of corruption allegations of ruling party and war strategies to its neighbourhood Syria, which are planned by spychief, foreign minister, undersecretary of the foreign ministry etc. in order to gain more votes by evoking heroic emotions of people. Where so many people learned them from the violation of tapes on social media, Twitter is taken the most important media tool role as a main source. It came to a critical position which urged the government to shut down the site. Although, all these allegations seem not so served the purpose of who put them into the violation.  Because, the ruling party which have many “sins” in terms of democracy, has won the elections with app. 45% of the total amount of votes ahead of rest of the other political parties in spite of the corruption allegations. The problem with this result is coming from the fact that despite with 18 million users of Twitter in Turkey sending millions of tweets every day which are seen mainly mentioned all these allegations (particularly the last remaining days to that election day) can not be successed as changing the political behaviours of people. The expectations about social impacts of social media has broken by reality, thus the assumptions relating with it has to rethink by whom be paying much attention to it.


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